- Municipal Comprehensive Plans
- Scenic Byway Nominations
- Parks and Recreation Plans
- Open Space and Agricultural Plans
- Design Guidelines and Visual Assessments
- Historic Preservation
- Economic and Tourism Strategies
- Inter-Municipal and Regional Plans
Land Use Training
Planning Boards and Zoning Boards of Appeal make important decisions affecting their communities. As of 2007, New York State requires these board members to receive four hours of training per year. Genius Loci Planning specializes in delivering quality training programs on a wide range of topics, including:
- Roles of the Planning Board and ZBA
- Site Plan Review
- Special Use Permit
- Subdivision Regulations
- SEQRA (State Environmental Quality Review)
- Design Guidelines
- Adopting and Amending Zoning
- Smart Growth
- Open Meetings Law
- County referral process
- Special Topics
Development of Local Land Use Regulations
- Adoption and Amendment of Zoning
- Site Plan Review
- Subdivision
- Special Use Permit
- Architectural Review
- Sign Regulations
Additional Services
- Grant Writing
- Group Facilitation and Workshops
- Community Surveys
- Project Implementation
- Application Reviews
- Assistance with SEQRA